How do we know bquiet Soundproof Windows really work?

We knew that our bquiet windows provided a substantial amount of noise reduction; after all, it’s science: acoustically laminated glass in tight sealing frames put inches away from primary windows always reduces sound.  We wanted to measure how much sound is reduced.

It came time to really put our windows to the test, to find out for sure how much sound reduction they provide. This put us on a journey to the US state of Pennsylvania to a world-renowned testing facility.

Here our bquiet windows were set up between 2 soundproof rooms. Noise at varying frequencies and at 115 db was blasted from one room into a soundproof wall that incorporated a residential thermal window with our bquiet soundproof window. The noise level in the adjoining soundproof room was then measured determining how much soundproofing our window set-up produced. Data was accumulated in many different ways through a wide frequency range, once all this information was amassed and a graph was produced showing the STC ( sound transmission co-efficient) levels at the different frequencies. The average then is what determines the overall STC level which ranged from 46 to 50 at different distances from glass to glass.   Sounds easy? This whole process took 6 hours, adding the long journey to Pennsylvania and back home made this quite an event.

The testing system can only be described as extreme compared to real-life situations, normal traffic noise levels are 60-80 decibels, with the primary thermal window and our bquiet window we’ll generally reduce the average noise in your home to approximately 40 decibels or what we call “The quiet zone”

It’s official our windows are now laboratory tested and certified to reduce sound.  If you have a noise issue in your home or workplace contact us now and hear how we can help you.