
Getting back Control

How many times have you heard the phrase ‘I’m so busy” or I don’t have any time?  Maybe you told someone that you’re really busy, I have a million things to do. Or my favourite; there aren’t enough hours in a day. Yes, this seems to be the new way of life if you are [...]
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Caution! bquiet soundproof windows may cause drowsiness

With urban sprawl and building developments reaching an all-time high in Canada. There has been a major need for noise solutions. Many Canadians are hoping that builders take more accountability to combat the noise pollution when developing and planning for a new build. Unfortunately for home and condo owners most builders only meet the minimum […]

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The origin of the bquiet Soundproof Windows

We have been in the window and door replacement industry for over 30 years. About 15 years ago we discovered one problem that kept persisting on many window replacement projects. Home owners were complaining that their new windows were much nosier than the old windows. The old windows being removed were made of wood or […]

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The Hidden Health Impact of Noise

Screaming sirens. Rumbling trucks. Thundering turbojets. Modern life is loud, yet too much sound is bad not only for hearing but for overall health. Peace and quiet, it turns out, are as good for you as a healthy diet and exercise. Noise (noise is unwanted sound), whether a loud burst or a steady irritation, is […]

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